I think the concept of Tate's "popularity" may be ambiguous here.

I live in Afghanistan and I can confirm that a lot of well-educated, English-speaking men claim to admire Andrew Tate. That's paradoxical, because the social system here doesn't offer anything like the degree of personal freedom that allows some men in Western countries to adopt aspects of Tate's lifestyle (sexual access to multiple women, with no marital or parental obligations following).

In any case, those same men will usually tell you that Islamic social conservatism is superior to the Western model, even though it makes the existence of someone like Tate almost impossible. I think you have to interpret this as wish-fulfilment more than any coherent desire for a particular set of norms.

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As far as I am aware, there’s been little empirical evidence found of filter bubbles, but that far more extreme opinions are available is undeniable. https://reutersinstitute.politics.ox.ac.uk/echo-chambers-filter-bubbles-and-polarisation-literature-review

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